Corporate Involvement
Partnering with Houston Audubon can have a lasting impact. Here are six areas where we can tailor a program for your company to get involved. Contact us for more information or if you have any questions.
Recognizing the generous support of our current corporate supporters.
Photos of community service projects and team-building days.
Get more information or get started being a corporate partner.
Corporate Volunteers
Join Houston Audubon for your next community service project or team-building day. We offer private and community volunteer workdays at both our urban and coastal sanctuaries.
- Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary (in West Houston on Memorial Drive)
- High Island Bird Sanctuaries (in High Island, Texas)
- Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary (on Bolivar Peninsula, 3.7 miles from the Ferry Landing)
Adopt Programs
Support Houston Audubon by sponsoring one of our adoption programs.
- Adopt-an-Acre
- Adopt a Coastal Sanctuary
- Adopt the Natives Nursery at Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary
- Adopt an Urban Sanctuary
Outreach and Education
Partner with Houston Audubon in delivering unique outreach and education programs to schools, libraries, civic organizations, scout groups, memory care facilities, hospitals, senior residences, parks and other groups.
Capital Projects
Team up with Houston Audubon to maintain public access to our bird sanctuaries with these infrastructure projects. Naming opportunities are available.
- Building bridges and boardwalks
- Adding caliche rock to parking lots
- Excavating ponds
- Constructing new viewing platforms at the Rookeries in High Island
Event Sponsorship and Corporate Partnership
Event sponsorship and Corporate Partnership are great ways to support Houston Audubon and receive recognition at the same time.
- Annual Gala
- Birdathon
- Speaker Events
- Special Events
- Corporate Partnership Program
General Support
General support allows Houston Audubon to continue advancing the following three mission-focused strategies:
- Inspiring Awareness, Appreciation and Action
- Creating Bird-Friendly Communities
- Protecting Priority Bird Habitats
General support also helps ensure that Houston Audubon has the resources to maintain its offices and staff, and respond to the community’s bird and wildlife-related inquiries.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a corporate partner. You can use the form below or contact John Moring, Development Director, at, or 713-932-1639x103.