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Bolivar Naturally

Prairie Gerardia

Agalinis heterophylla

Alternate Name: Prairie agalinis

Family: (Scrophulariaceae) Snapdragon

Habitat: Prairies and woodland edges

Height: 2-3 ft.

Bloom Period: August - November

Description: Annual. Bloom color varies from pink to purple. Plants grow upright or sprawl. Grows well in dry or moist soils.

The Wildlife Connection: Very attractive to bees and butterflies. Larval host plant for the buckeye butterfly. In the fall look for buckeyes around gerardia patches.

Prairie Gerardia
Prairie Gerardia

Winnie Burkett. Photographed on the Bolivar Peninsula.

Prairie Gerardia
Prairie Gerardia

Winnie Burkett. Photographed on the Bolivar Peninsula.
