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Yellow Coneflowers

Native Plant Gallery


Database of the Native Plants in Southeast Texas

Note: We plan to grow this new feature over the coming months. Other resources for native plants In our region are: 

Grasses & Grass-like Plants

Big Bluestem  • Brownseed Paspalum  •  Eastern Gamagrass
Florida Paspalum  • Gulf Cordgrass  •  Gulf Muhly
Little Bluestem  •  Purple Lovegrass  •  Red Lovegrass
Sea Oats  •  Switchgrass
Cherokee Sedge  •  White-topped Sedge


Blue, Pink, and Purple Flowers

Basketflower  •  Blue-eyed Grass  •  Blue Waterleaf
Bluebells  •  Bull Thistle  •  Compact Prairie Clover
Downy Lobelia  •  Lemon Beebalm  •  Lyreleaf Sage
Missouri Ironweed  •  Pickerel-Weed  •  Powderpuff
Prairie Gerardia  •  Saltmarsh Mallow  •  Spiderwort

Red, Orange, and Yellow Flowers

Beach Primrose  •  Black-eyed Susan  •  Camphor Daisy
Coreopsis  •  Creeping Spotflower  •  Firewheel
Maximilian Sunflower  •  Mexican Hat  •  Partridge Pea
Prairie Parsley  •  Seaside Goldenrod  •  Silverleaf Sunflower
Swamp Sunflower

White and Green Flowers

Aquatic Milkweed  •  Arrowhead  •  Frostweed
Green Milkweed  •  Late-flowering Boneset  •  Pokeweed
Rattlesnake Master  •  Spider Lily  •  Texas Frogfruit
White Gaura  •  White Prairie Clover

Shrubs and Vines

Carolina Wolfberry  •  Climbing Milkweed  •  Rattlebean
Tie Vine  •  Trailing Wild Bean  •  Turk's Cap


Black Willow  •  Cedar Elm  •  Hercules' Club
Live Oak  •  Pecan  •  Red Mulberry
Sugarberry  •  Wax Myrtle  •  Yaupon