Houston Audubon is a TEA approved CPE provider.
Educators – find out which parts of the Science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are covered in Houston Audubon field trips and programming effective Fall 2024
Spread your wings at home with Houston Audubon!
We invite you to experience the joy of birds and nature from your own home or in your backyard.
Virtual Birding
Educational Mataerials

How to take notes of your favorite bird and teach bird migration.
How are beaks, talons, and other features adapted to aid a species?
Printable profiles of some of the birds who are dependent on forests.
What questions to ask yourself when you want to identify a bird.
How to use drawing and creative writing to teach about birds.
Examples of bird references in our lives.
Introductory field guide to the Birds of the Bolivar Peninsula
Minnesota Conservation Volunteer web page containing audio tunes
Introductory field guide to Houston's birds
All about birds of prey!
Checklist to help you observe and identify birds.
Worksheet about the food web

Fun and Games
Imitate birds with these exercises.
Join Barry the Bald Eagle on an Eagle's Eye View
Specially prepared for you by the bird nerds at Houston Audubon.
Other Resources
Additional resources on Cornell Lab of Ornithology's All About Birds website
National Audubon Society's activities for kids
“At Home With The Bay” Virtual Field Trip Series
Free Materials on World Migratory Bird Day website