Celebrate Plastic Free July with Us!
Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages millions of people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution and do their part for cleaner streets, oceans, and communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?
Here's how you can participate:

Great Blue Heron and Wood Ducks surrounded by trash on Sims Bayou (William Trey Morris III)
The plastic pollution issue has become increasingly evident in the past few years. This holds especially true in the world of birds. Birds are some of the species most heavily impacted by our plastic use. Nearly every seabird on earth, for example, has now been observed ingesting plastic. Birds that aren’t found ingesting plastic directly face impacts from the material as a result of entanglement or entrapment. As more research is conducted, evidence of plastic’s negative impact on birds and other wildlife is becoming even more apparent.
As an organization, Houston Audubon is taking several steps in an effort to tackle this conservation issue.
- Houston Audubon is committing to limiting the amount of plastic used within the organization. This includes no longer providing plastic water bottles at workdays and hosting only plastic-free events beginning in May, 2019.
- Houston Audubon will continue working as a partner of the Plastic Pollution Prevention Partnership and the Galveston Bay Watershed’s Partners in Litter Prevention, working alongside other conservation organizations in Houston to make changes locally.
- Houston Audubon is committed to continuing to educate people on the impacts of plastic on birds, both locally and globally. This will be through presentations, events, and continuing to lead by example.
Houston Audubon also encourages individuals and organizations alike to help take on the challenge and tackle the pervasive plastic pollution. There are three main actions you can take to help:
- Limit consumption of plastic by saying no to single-use items and finding alternatives to plastic in your life.
- Help clean-up the plastic already in our watershed by participating in clean-up efforts around Houston or picking up plastic on walks, at the beach, or whenever you come across it.
- Support legislation that would address single-use plastic, including bag bans and other similar movements.
For more information on the plastic pollution problem, check out the links below.
Plastics Impact on Bird FAQs
8 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Waste
Nearly Every Seabird on Earth is Ingesting Plastic
15 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Use
We’ll be doing it right alongside you!
Article by Anna Vallery on Houston Audublog
PDF of recycling resources in the Greater Houston area.