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Vermilion Flycatcher

Christmas Bird Counts


Panhandle Counts

December 14, 2024 - January 5, 2025

Compilers, please send your dates and updates to Susan Billetdeaux,

  • Abilene (TXAB)

    Compiler: Dolores Owens at

  • Amarillo (TXAM): 12/20

    Friday, December 20, 2024
    This was set up to be a count of Palo Duro Canyon and the playas around it. It is also an old and venerable count. It is mostly a count of PDC and its upstream villages like River Falls, Lake Tanglewood, etc along with the roads between roughly Hollywood and PDC extending over as far as Pullman Road. Open to all participants. Please pre-register! For further details and to sign up for this count, email Tom Johnson at or 806-622-2656.

  • Big Spring (TXBS)

    The count circle includes part of the city of Big Spring, the city park, the state park, and Moss Lake. Everyone is welcome to bring your birding buddy. We will meet at 7:30 am at the entrance and parking area of Big Spring State Park. For details, please contact compiler Bill Lupardus at

  • Buffalo Lake NWR (TXBL): 12/17

    Tuesday, December 17, 2024
    This count is one of our oldest and was set up when BLNWR was an open-water paradise for birds. Times have changed but we still hold the count and those changes have had a giant effect on what lives out there. Open to all participants. For details, contact compiler Tom Johnson at .

  • Canadian River (TXIV) - compiler needed

    Trey Barron, the former compiler has moved away and is trying to find a new compiler. If you can help, please contact him at

  • Lake Meredith East (TXLE): 12/27

    Friday, December 27, 2024
    Meet at the "Bird Walk" parking lot behind Sanford Dam (Spring Canyon) at 07:30. This will be a great count in all likelihood. The count was resumed in 2022 after some years' of dormancy. The area includes the east side of the dam (where, if you get there before dawn, you may encounter flocks of over a million blackbirds--a sight and sound to behold!) The compiler is Rod Goodwin. He can be contacted at, 806-681-7608.

  • Lake Meredith West (TXLW): 12/21

    Saturday, December 21, 2024
    The count used to include the regions of the lake when it was at 100 ft depth at the dam and extended well into the count circle. Now it is a count of some private land graciously opened to us by the owners, McBride Canyon, and Alibates and some of the roads on the northwest and southeast sides of the lake bed. It is still a really great count but more of a dryland riparian zone count now. Compiler: Hap Hamous,

  • Lubbock County (TXLU)

    Teams generally meet around 7:30 in the morning, bird until the designated endpoint, and get together for a potluck/countdown. Team leaders are on top of the paperwork involved but every team leader needs spotters/counters to get things done - and almost every route on all three counts is capable of kicking out interesting sightings. With the odd weather conditions we are having this year (oddly timed rainfall and persistent high temperatures) it could end up being a genuinely strange CBC season and it would be fantastic to get some birders out there to document things. If you are interested in participating, contact me at or at 806-252-1213 and I will find a place, as leader or participant, for you.
    -- Anthony Hewetson

  • Matador WMA (TXMW): 12/17

    Tuesday, December 17, 2024
    We will meet at 7:00 AM at the Matador WMA headquarters office in Paducah, TX, Cottle County. Please contact Caroline Ellison (, 806-492-3405) prior to the count to get your assignments and instructions. The Matador WMA is located 7 miles north of Paducah on HWY 83, then west on FM 3256 for 2 miles. (Map & Directions).

  • Midland (TXMI)

    Sponsored by the Midland Naturalists. Please call 432-853-5318 or email Pat Hunter at

  • Muleshoe NWR (TXMU)

    Teams generally meet around 7:30 in the morning, bird until the designated endpoint, and get together for a potluck/countdown. Team leaders are on top of the paperwork involved but every team leader needs spotters/counters to get things done - and almost every route on all three counts is capable of kicking out interesting sightings. With the odd weather conditions we are having this year (oddly timed rainfall and persistent high temperatures) it could end up being a genuinely strange CBC season and it would be fantastic to get some birders out there to document things. If you are interested in participating, contact me at or at 806-252-1213 and I will find a place, as leader or participant, for you.
    -- Anthony Hewetson

  • Quitaque (TXQU)

    The Quitaque count includes Caprock Canyons State Park. Compiler: Pam Allison (, 806-570-1980. Meet at the entrance to Caprock Canyons SP at 8: 45 AM. This count is traditionally held in January

  • Robert Lee (TXRL)

    Sponsored by the Midland Naturalists, Robert Lee, in Coke County, is about 40 miles N/NW of San Angelo and includes East Spence Reservoir, Mountain Creek and its reservoir, surrounding fields and mesas. State Highway 158 runs through town. Some areas involve birding from roads through private land. We will meet at Rangel's Café on the main street of Robert Lee (Hwy 158) 8:00 AM on that day. All are welcome but please contact the compiler at least a week in advance. Be prepared for cold or wet weather. A scope, if owned, is helpful. For more details email compiler Mary Stortz,, 432-770-7769. This count is usually held on the first Saturday of the count window.

  • San Angelo (TXSG)

    If you are interested in participating, please contact Ben Skipper,, 325-486-6622. On the morning of the count, Ben will have packets (checklists, data sheets, maps, etc.) for each participant. These can be picked up at the Cavness Science Building parking lot on the Angelo State University campus at the corner of Dena Drive and Johnson Street at 7:15 AM. You should prepare by bringing warm clothes (layers are best), a sack lunch, some water or other beverage, and of course binoculars. As always documentation will be crucial for unusual species, so please bring a pen/pencil, notebook, and your field guide. Please be aware though that photographic evidence is now virtually required by our new regional editor. After the count is completed (approximately 5:00PM) Ben will collect all data sheets at the Cavness Science Building.

  • Tascosa - Seyffert (TXTS): 12/15

    Sunday, December 15, 2024
    Our new count became the first Texas Panhandle count to break the 100 species mark and we expect another great count this year. The area stretches from McGee Lake to the Medical Center and encompasses SE Park and Thompson Park and the very productive areas of Potter County and lots of city streets. This should be the count that most of you will really want to be a part of! Remember, even just watching your bird feeders for 30 mins can help. For details and to participate, contact compiler Tom Johnson at or text him at 806 570 3234

  • White River Lake (TXWR)

    Teams generally meet around 7:30 in the morning, bird until the designated endpoint, and get together for a potluck/countdown. Team leaders are on top of the paperwork involved but every team leader needs spotters/counters to get things done - and almost every route on all three counts is capable of kicking out interesting sightings. With the odd weather conditions we are having this year (oddly timed rainfall and persistent high temperatures) it could end up being a genuinely strange CBC season and it would be fantastic to get some birders out there to document things. If you are interested in participating, contact me at or at 806-252-1213 and I will find a place, as leader or participant, for you.
    -- Anthony Hewetson