West Texas Counts
December 14, 2025 - January 5, 2026
Use the map's zoom feature to view the CBC locations in West Texas.
Compilers, please send your details to webmaster@houstonaudubon.org
Balmorhea (TXBA)
The count circle includes Balmorhea Lake, Sandia Wetlands, Balmorhea cemetery, Agricultural lands north of Interstate 10, and wide-open spaces around town. The count routinely records 100 species with specialties like Clark's and Western Grebe, Prairie Falcon, Ferruginous Hawk, Crissal Thrasher, Sagebrush Sparrow, and tons of sparrow sp. If you're interested in participating, please contact Cecilia Riley in advance of the count. Compiler: Cecilia Riley (Cmriley@bigbend.net).
Big Bend National Park (East) - Rio Grande Village (TXBG)
Birds of note seen during recent counts include: American Bittern, Sora, White-throated Swift, Green Kingfisher, Red-naped Sapsucker, Gray Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher, Sage Thrasher, Crissal Thrasher & Green-tailed Towhee. Participants always appreciated and needed. Please contact Bryan Hale at bmhale@swbell.net (cell phone: 512-426-6033) for further details.
Big Bend Ranch State Park
Big Bend Ranch State Park now has an official Christmas Bird Count! Big Bend Ranch State Park lies in the heart of the Chihuahuan Desert and features species of that habitat including Crissal Thrasher, Scaled Quail, and Pyrrhuloxia. Each winter brings a different set of birds with both boreal species irruptions and Mexican species lingering to the north being possible. The park features many springs creating small oases throughout that hold abundant birds all winter. Please contact the compiler before coming as we have two separate meeting areas depending on what section of the count you are assigned to, the river corridor or the park interior. Compiler: Thomas Forwood, Thomas.Forwood@tpwd.texas.gov, work phone 432-229-3613.
Chisos Mountains (TXCM)
Areas will be assigned. Birds of note seen during recent counts include: Golden Eagle, White-throated Swift, Anna's Hummingbird, Red-naped Sapsucker, Plumbeous Vireo, Hutton's Vireo, Mexican Jay, Townsend's Solitaire, Sage Thrasher, Crissal Thrasher & Green-tailed Towhee. Participants always appreciated and needed. Please contact Bryan Hale at bmhale@swbell.net (cell phone: 512-426-6033) for further details.
Comstock (TXCO)
Located 45 miles west of Del Rio, the count circle includes parts of the Rio Grande and Pecos Rivers. Compiler: Mike Gleason. We will meet at Seminole Canyon Park headquarters at 8:00 AM. Routes will be assigned then. If you wish to participate, please contact Mike via email, at mgleason@stx.rr.com or text at 830-422-6295 prior to the day of the count.
Davis Mountains (TXDM)
Areas covered include the Davis Mountains State Park, TNC Trail and Preserve, roadside hot spots, and even a few private ranches. Texas montane bird species regularly encountered on this count include Western Screech-owl, Golden Eagle, Williamson's and Red-naped Sapsucker, Bushtit, Mountain Chickadee, three species of Bluebird, Sage Thrasher, and Black-chinned Sparrow. Of course, all the other awesome Far West Texas birds both common all winter and those only present during irruptive years may also be found. If you're interested in participating, please contact Cecilia Riley in advance of the count. Compiler: Cecilia Riley (Cmriley@bigbend.net).
Del Rio (TXDR)
Within the count circle are Lake Amistad, Rio Grande River, San Felipe and Spring Creeks, Amistad Recreation Area, Laguna de Plata, and much of Del Rio. Compiler: Mike Gleason. We will meet at Skillets restaurant on Veterans Blvd at 7:00 to 8:00 AM. If you wish to participate, please contact Mike prior to the day of the count via email at mgleason@stx.rr.com or text at 830-422-6295.
El Paso (TXEP)
If a new or returning participant, please contact the compiler, Jim Paton at jnpaton@att.net prior to the count or phone 915-585-2628 for more information about joining. This count is usually held on January 1, but is subject to change due to the weather and other factors.
Guadalupe Mountains (TXGM) - Compiler needed
Compiler needed!
Most areas require moderate to strenuous hiking, and the weather can be snowy, wet, and windy. This count will take place under all weather conditions as long as Highway 62/180 remains open. This is one of the few places in Texas you can find Steller's Jays. Other birds of note from recent counts include: Golden Eagle, Mountain Chickadee, Juniper Titmouse, Pygmy Nuthatch, Mountain and Western Bluebirds, Townsend's Solitaire, Sage and Crissal Thrashers, Green-tailed Towhee, Sage Sparrow and a variety of Dark-eyed Junco ssp. Please preregister. Interested persons can email Michael Haynie at Michael_Haynie@nps.gov. -
Hueco Tanks (TXHT) - Compiler needed
Hueco Tanks Historical Site and Horizon Lake are part of the Christmas bird count circle that is centered at Hueco Tanks immediately west of Martin Canyon and 1.9 miles south of U.S. Hwy 62/180. For additional Information about the count, please contact Richard Hermosillo at richardhermosillo4@yahoo.com. Richard is the former compiler but has moved out of the region.