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New to Birding?

A Beginner's Quickstart Guide

Welcome to Birding!

Begin observing birds with your eyes and ears. Congrats! You’re officially a birder! It doesn’t take much to start birding. Birds are all around us, from our backyards and local parks, to our grocery store parking lots and nearby wildlife refuges. So, you can start your journey as a birder by just going outside and appreciating the birds around you. If you are ready to dive a little deeper, though, there are a few tools that make birding a little easier and even more enjoyable – a field guide or bird ID app and a pair of binoculars.

Field Guides

A field guide is often a new birder’s best friend. Many birders still carry around a hard copy of their favorite field guide. There are many to choose from, including guides from Sibley, National Geographic, Kaufman, and more. If you’re looking for an inexpensive guide, you should be able to find options at local secondhand bookstores.

Bird Identification Apps

  • This free app by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a Bird ID Wizard built in that uses your location, the time of year, and your description of the bird to help you figure out the species – a great feature for a new birder. The explore function also allows you to see what birds are in your area or allows you to search for a specific species. This app has a photo ID tool that allows you to snap a pic of the bird and upload it for identification! It also has a Sound ID feature that records and identifies bird calls.

  • The Audubon Bird Guide app is a free and complete field guide to over 800 species of North American birds, right in your pocket. Built for all experience levels, it will help you identify the birds around you, keep track of the birds you’ve seen, and get outside to find new birds near you.

  • This app is $19.99 in the app store, but provides all the features of the hardcopy Sibley Field Guide into an easy-to-use app on your phone. This includes range maps, calls, descriptions, illustrations and more.

  • Other Noteworthy Apps

    Peterson Birds, iBird Pro, National Geographic Birds: Field Guide to North America


You’ve got your field guide (or app), and are ready to find your first pair of binoculars! There are several excellent resources for you in the Houston area. The folks over at Land Sea and Sky are experts in helping people find the right binoculars. 

Binoculars come in a wide range of styles, sizes, and price that can be confusing. Check out REI’s Primer on How to Buy Binoculars to understand all the ins and outs of this birder’s tool.

Improve Those Skills

So you're ready to improve your skills and go from a "baby birder" to a full-fledged birder? You may be interested in learning tips, tricks, and advice from seasoned birders. Houston Audubon has several options for you to make the leap from a baby birder to a fully-fledged birder.

Birding Etiquette

RESPECT THE BIRDS AND THEIR HABITAT: Maintain a safe distance from the birds and their habitat. Avoid moving into sensitive areas where birds may be nesting. Stay on the trail. 

SOUND: Many people bird by ear, so keep your voice low enough that you can hear the sounds of nature around you. If you need to take a phone call, simply step away from the group.

SHARE THE VIEW: By all means, bring your camera to capture beautiful moments! Be sure you give others a chance to see that great view, too, by stepping aside once you’ve had your fill.

OBSERVE THE OBSERVERS: A neat way to find a bird without having to ask is by examining where everyone is looking. Note where the binoculars are pointing, follow your eyes/binocs to that location, and frequently you can “get on” the bird in no time.

Watch to learn tips and tricks for beginning birders and how birding can give you a deeper appreciation for your city and neighborhood.