White Gaura

Oenothera lindheimeri
Alternate Names: Lindheimer's gaura, Butterly gaura, Wild honeysuckle
Family: (Onagraceae) Evening-primrose
Habitat: Prairies, fence rows
Height: 2-5 ft.
Bloom Period: April - November
Description: Perennial. Flowers open in the early morning and close by midday. Can form extensive colonies. White Gaura prefers moist soil and sun to partial shade. It prefers sandy, loamy, well-drained soils, but is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions.
The Wildlife Connection: White Gaura is a great bird plant. Hummingbirds will work the flowers, but it must also harbor lots of insects because you can also find warblers, orioles, grosbeaks and flycatchers feeding in it. Very attractive to butterflies.
Propagation Tips: Available commercially or by collecting seeds.