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Houston Bird Week

Houston Bird Week

Houston Bird Week 2024

Houston Bird Week is a celebration of the important role Houston plays in the journey of billions of migratory birds and the everyday lives of our resident birds. In addition to Houston's vital location along the Gulf Coast, the growing popularity of planting native plants, restoring prairies, bird-friendly education programs, and Houston's Lights Out for Birds program were among the many efforts and programs that gained Houston the Bird City designation in 2020.

Houston Audubon and local conservation partners arrange a week of virtual and in-person events centered around our region’s birds and wildlife – from birding opportunities and watch parties to trivia, movie night, and more, there's something for all Houstonians to enjoy. Your participation and excitement will help our city continue to be a welcoming home for birds. Keep up with Houston Bird Week on social media using #HoustonBirdWeek and follow us on our social media accounts at @HoustonAudubon.

History of Houston Bird Week

Houston Bird Week was started in 2019 by Houston Audubon's inaugural Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) to commemorate Houston Audubon's 50th anniversary. As the group brainstormed ideas for their annual project, the consensus was that they could do it all in one week. In addition to a week of events, the group successfully executed a city-wide competition to determine the Bird of Houston, which was made official with a proclamation by the City of Houston Mayor's Office. That is how the beautiful Yellow-crowned Night-Heron became the official Bird of Houston! They also formed a wonderful partnership with Bakfish Brewing Co. to have a custom "bird beer" whose sales would support Houston Audubon's mission of bird conservation. Our YPAC has continued to coordinate a very exciting Houston Bird Week every year since then during the last full week of September. We hope to see you at Houston Bird Week!

Houston Bird Week Photos

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