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Natives Nursery


Natives Nursery

Donate your old nursery pots!

Houston Audubon is always on the quest to limit our use of single-use plastic, including in the nursery! Because of this, we love reusing our nursery pots as many times as we can! If you purchased plants from us or another nursery and have these pots lying around, we would be happy to take them off your hands.

To donate the pots, feel free to come by our Edith L. Moor Nature Sanctuary whenever we're open. You will see the nursery on your right just after you pass our admin building as you drive in through the gate off of Wilchester Blvd. You can place the pots inside the fence to the nursery and we'll take care of the rest!

We're accepting donations of 4-inch and 1-gallon pots.

If you have questions, please email