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High Island Volunteer Training

Thursday, February 10, 2022
6:30 pm8:00 pm

The new McGovern Canopy Walkway in Smith Oaks is bringing lots of new visitors to the sanctuary. Many of these visitors don’t know much about birds and the Texas Coast and they have lots of questions. We would like to have volunteers on the canopy walkway and the levy trail to answer questions and help visitors get a good look at nesting birds. Will you help?

There will be a Zoom meeting February 10, at 6:30 pm that will give participants an introduction to this program, the history and natural history of Smith Oaks and answer questions. The Zoom meeting will be followed by two Smith Oaks field trips February 11, 9 -11am and February 12, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, so participants can become more familiar with the sanctuary before volunteering. (Both field trips will cover the same information) We will meet in Smith Oaks off Old Mexico Rd in front of the new bathrooms. Handouts including sanctuary aerial photos will be available at the field trips.

Volunteers who already work at High Island and would like to learn more about Smith Oaks are welcome to join the Zoom meeting and the field trips.