Bolivar Flats Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup
Come help Houston Audubon clean up the beach as part of a state-wide effort to turn the tide against marine debris and clean up our coastline! Not only will this activity reduce the amount of plastics that our shorebirds and wildlife are exposed to, but clean-ups provide great opportunities to witness the wildlife of Bolivar, the activity on the ship channel, and experience hands-on conservation. All ages are welcome. We hope you can join us!
Meet at the vehicular barrier located on the beach approximately ¾ mile west of Rettilon Rd.
Beach parking permits are not required during clean-ups.
Get Prepared:
• We will provide gloves and bags.
• Please bring an ample supply of ice water (in reusable bottles/coolers!) for yourself, and snacks if you wish. Houston Audubon will not be providing water for this event.
• We recommend you wear a hat, sunblock, sturdy footwear, and dress in layers for this volunteer event.
Be Covid safe. Please reference Adopt-A-Beach safety guidelines to know how to prepare.