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Birds and Bats, Oh My!

Friday, September 25, 2020
6:15 pm8:30 pm
Zoom event

Buffalo Bayou Partnership (BBP) and the Houston Area Bat Team invite you to virtually learn more about the 250,000 magnificent Mexican free-tailed bats that share the city with us right in the heart of Houston at Waugh Drive Bridge over Buffalo Bayou. Guests will also enjoy an amazing view of the bats’ dusk emergence.

Diana Foss, a Biologist in the Wildlife Diversity Program at Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept since 1993, will give a presentation about the importance of our Mexican free-tailed bats as well as take any questions you may have about our mammal friends. Susan Webb will be on-site at Waugh Drive to showcase the bat emergence and will be on hand to answer any additional questions. Susan Webb leads BBP’s bat pontoon boat tours and also volunteers with the Houston Area Bat Team.

This event is free but registration is required. Click link below to register.