Swift Night Out Events
Help us track Chimney Swifts!
Join us at a count!
We count Chimney Swifts at a variety of locations in Houston throughout the summer. If you would like to come out for a count, let us know and we will put you in contact with the count leader. Contact Mary Anne Weber at maweber@houstonaudubon.org for more information.
Look for Chimney Swift activity, both nesting and roosting.
Send us your reports!
Add Houston, TX (or other location) in location box to zoom in. eBird registration is not necessary.
Did you know?

Photo by Don Verser
Chimney Swifts eat small flying insects less than 0.2 inch in length including mosquitoes, midges, flies, spittlebugs, aphids, winged ants, tiny bees and wasps, mayflies, stoneflies, and termites. Historical data demonstrates that the pellets of food given nestlings can contain more than 200 insects. Unlike many bird species where the only oldest / strongest nestling is fed, Chimney Swifts feed all their nestlings. The weakest / youngest nestling has been observed being fed first.
Chimney Swift Fact Sheetspecies profile and nesting information in the Bird Gallery
Chimney Swift Brochureprepared by Driftwood Wildlife Association
Chimney Swifts.orga project of Driftwood Wildlife Association
Chimney Swiftson the TX Parks & Wildlife site
All About Swiftson the Cornell Lab site