Kickerillo-Mischer Bird Survey

Sunrise at Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve
Next Survey: April 7, 2025
Leader: John Cocanower
Surveys are held monthly on the first Monday. We meet at 8 AM in front of the restrooms by the main parking lot. Please notify John at the contact email address below to be placed on the mailing list or if you have any questions.
Precinct 4's Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve is an 80-acre property featuring Marshall Lake, which spans approximately 40 acres, plus a staff building, paved roads and parking lots, restroom facilities, and 1.7 miles of trails.
Address: 20215 Chasewood Park Drive, Houston, TX 77070
About the Preserve
The preserve was donated to Precinct 4 in January 2009, after Kickerillo Companies and Mischer Investments acquired it from Hewlett-Packard to create The Vintage, a community in northwest Harris County. Ultimately, the property will connect with the 100-acre Wood Preserve on the opposite side of Highway 249 and become part of the Cypress Creek Greenway trail system, which connects hundreds of acres of parks along Cypress Creek.