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Take Action for Texas Wildlife!

Speak Up for Wildlife

Exciting News! In the coming weeks game-changing wildlife conservation legislation—the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act— is expected to be scheduled for a vote in the US House of Representatives and US Senate. We need YOU to help ensure that the Recovering America's Wildlife Act crosses the finish line!

Please contact your U.S. House Representative and the U.S. Senators from Texas (Senator John Cornyn and Senator Ted Cruz) and ask them to vote YES for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.

By doing so, you are an important voice to recover wildlife for current and future generations of Texans.

How to contact your Members of Congress:

Go to your US Representative’s website and send him or her a message, or call them at the Washington, DC, number on their website and ask them to vote YES on the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act!  You can learn who represents you at

Contact Senators Cornyn and Cruz with the same message - vote YES on the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act!

Senator Cornyn can be reached at (scroll down to “Contact Senator Cornyn”) or by calling 202-224-2934. 

Senator Cruz can be reached at and 202-224-5922. 

What passage of Recovering America's Wildlife Act means for at-risk species in Texas and across the United States:

  • America’s fish and wildlife are in a serious decline.  The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act will provide $1.4 billion annually to states and tribes to stop the decline.
  • The funding will help restore wildlife habitat such as grasslands, prairies, forests, and rivers.
  • Proactive investment is a proven tool in bringing wildlife back from the brink. 
  • The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is good for our economy.  By keeping species off the Endangered Species list, it avoids business slowdowns.
  • Texas’ fast-growing multi-million dollar outdoor recreation industry depends on protecting fish, wildlife, and their habitats.
  • This funding will fuel thousands of new jobs in areas such as habitat and wildlife management, nature tourism, wildlife research, and environmental education.
  • The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act has broad-based bipartisan support.

Learn more about the bill at:

If you need assistance contacting your Members of Congress, please reach out to

Follow the campaign on the Texas Alliance Facebook & Twitter page.