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Common Nighthawk

Newsroom Archive 4

Edith Moore Saturday Workday

The final Fourth Saturday Family Workday of the spring season was held at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary on May 26, 2018. It was well attended by several hard-working groups.

Citgo was there in the characteristic red t-shirts and banner. Two Boy Scout troops came, Troop 599 from our close neighbor, the Memorial Methodist Church, and Troop 1089 from St. Thomas Church at Kirkwood & Memorial. There was also a group from the Alpha Charity League doing a lot of heavy cutting and lifting.

Andrew Amoruso from Troop 599 organized his Eagle Scout project that brought 18 Scouts to work in three areas. They built two new sturdy benches in the log cabin garden beside the parking lot. A very interesting activity was putting HabiTubes in Rummel Creek. This is a scientific way to grow organisms in the flowing water that promote stream restoration and attract fish. We lost most of our fish during the Hurricane Harvey flood and this will hopefully turn the tide and grow them back. Andrew had researched the technique using videos on YouTube. You can search for HabiTubes and see several videos from place that have tried them.

Click here to see a photo gallery from the workday.

Eagle Scout project