Third Rock from the Sun, The Blue Planet, Terra… all of these nicknames have one thing in common: they represent the Earth, our home planet, and the thing through which all life is sustained. As George Santayana once said, “The earth has music for those who listen.” And listen we shall.
The truth is humans haven’t always been very kind to the Earth. Whether it’s air pollution, waste disposal or harmful misuse of our natural resources, we tend to be a little tough on the home we love so much. But, in just a few short days we get to celebrate and give back to the planet that provides. This coming Sunday, April 22nd, is Earth Day! Earth Day 2018 is the perfect opportunity to get involved with your community and take care of our Earth. Let’s talk about some ways to go green for Earth Day 2018.
1. Plant something.
Earth Day was created to not only celebrate the planet we live on, but to give back to it and help create a better world for generations to come. How can you do this? By planting something others can enjoy in the future. Try planting a tree, flowers or other greenery in your yard or in a community garden to help make a difference in our world. You can help support fresher soil, cleaner air and a more aesthetic environment for the Earth.
2. Learn more about recycling.
If you want our Earth to be around for much longer, try building sustainable habits into your everyday routine. While recycling is a simple concept, oftentimes we can recycle a lot more materials than we actually do. Take time this Earth Day to learn more about recycling—what you can recycle, if there’s a recycling service near you or what the recycling laws are in your city. When you understand more about recycling, you can take more steps toward sustainable habits that benefit our world.
3. Turn off electronics.
You probably heard your mom or dad say, “Turn off the lights!” or “Unplug that cord!” when you were younger. While they may have been concerned about electricity prices, turning off electronics is also a great way to go green this Earth Day. Saving on electricity helps conserve energy, which builds a better world. Turn off your electronics, use less air conditioning during the summer or switch to low-energy appliances to help make a small change at a time.
4. Get outside.
What better way to celebrate Earth Day then to get outside and enjoy the beautiful nature of our Earth? What might seem like a simple task can quickly become difficult as schedules fill up with activities, so create a set schedule for you to stick to and spend time outdoors. Whether you exercise, play sports or just spend time with friends and family, make an effort to get outside this spring and summer and appreciate Mother Nature.
5. Tell others.
Finally, tell others about Earth Day! One person can definitely have an influence, but the more people involved, the more impact we can create on building a more beautiful world. Be sure to remind others about Earth Day and share ways, opportunities or events for them to join in and celebrate the day with you. Together, we can build a more sustainable future for generations to come and enjoy.
Earth Day 2018 is just a few short days away, so start brainstorming now for ways to get involved and make a difference. Try out some of these tips to join in and commemorate the occasion. Go green for Earth Day 2018 and create a vital impact on the natural community around you.