During our Texas Colonial Waterbird Survey of North Deer Island last week, we came across a pelican that had ingested a plastic bottle. Thankfully, Audubon Texas Warden, Dennis Jones, came to the rescue and was able to remove the bottle from this lucky young Pelican’s pouch.
Single-use plastic poses a threat to wildlife and is particularly dangerous for seabirds and other marine animals.
Want to pledge to limit your use of single-use plastic? Join Houston Audubon by participating in Plastic Free July! Throughout the month of July, we will be challenging our staff and volunteers to limit their use of plastic and sharing tips and tricks for limiting your use of plastic at home!
Cheers to Audubon Texas Upper Coast Warden Dennis Jones who rescued this pelican chick in distress last week while participating in the coastal team’s colonial waterbird surveys on Galveston Bay. He removed what turned out to be a bottle of coconut water and the pelican waddled off to rejoin the other chicks, none the worse for wear!
Read more about Houston Audubon’s Plastic Pollution Initiative.