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Shady Garden

Case Studies

Shady and Lawn-Free

This garden has been a work in progress for over twenty years. Working with habitat designers and landscape professionals, the homeowner transformed a traditional yard of lawn and azaleas into an aesthetically-pleasing escape for family members and wildlife. Al fresco dinners have never been better!

A structured look complements these native plants, and lawn cover remains in only a small portion of the front yard. Decomposed granite and non-native monkey grass provide an edge and frame for the native trees and shrubs including Swamp Chestnut Oak, River Birch, and Turk’s Cap.

Recently, a large piece of concrete was cut from the driveway in order to make a long flower bed for sun-loving plants. And while not native, a vegetable garden adds another appeal to the space that beckons people to enjoy the great outdoors.

Landscape Designer: Mike Anderson of Anderson Landscape