Climbing Milkweed

Climbing Milkweed
© Winnie Burkett. Photographed on the Bolivar Peninsula.
Cynanchum angustifolium
Alternate Names: Vine milkweed, Gulf Coast Swallowwort
Family: (Asclepiadaceae) Morning-Glory
Habitat: Tidal marshes, moist prairies.
Height: Stems grow up to 10 ft. or more
Bloom Period: March - December
Description: Twining vine with long, very narrow leaves. Greenish-white flowers. Wet to moist soils. Grows well in poorly-drained soils. Tolerates some salt water. Full sun.
Propagation Tips: Can be grown from seed or cuttings.

Climbing Milkweed
© Winnie Burkett. Photographed on the Bolivar Peninsula.