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Texas Bottle Bill

Texas Bottle Bill

Background Information

On March 14, 2012, State Representative Coleman and Senator Ellis filed HB 2114 and SB 1119 respectively in the House and Senate, the Texas Container Recycling Initiative, a bill that will set a 5-cent deposit on regular beverage containers and a 10-cent deposit on wine size beverage containers. A portion of these deposits is used by the state comptroller to promote establishment of municipal recycling facilities and independent redemption centers. The bill will create a high incentive to keep our man-made beverage containers in the economic system and out of our biological and environmental systems.

Representative Coleman also filed the Disposable Plastic Bag Fee bill, HB 1877, which will add a 5-cent fee, paid by customers, for every bag used to carry purchases. This bill creates an economic incentive to use canvas bags instead of plastic ones. There is a provision for offsetting retailers' collection costs, and the balance of the receipts is to be used by the state comptroller in support of municipal recycle programs.
