Birdathon 2023

We're excited to reveal our brand new Birdathon logo, featuring a colorful array of migratory birds by Advisory Board Member Cin-Ty Lee. A big thank you to Cin-Ty for generously donating his art!
Birdathon is Houston Audubon’s community fundraiser where teams of all skill levels are encouraged to get out in nature and count birds while raising funds for Houston Audubon’s work in the protection of birds through habitat restoration, surveying and monitoring, nature education, supporting bird-friendly communities, and advocacy efforts.
Birdathon 2023 Winners
Oberholser Award - Most Species Identified
The Noddy Roadrunners - 187 species
Whittington Award - Most Funds Raised
The Empid Yadas - $11,428.10 raised
Best Team Name
Lower Trinity Valley Bird Club Lady Twitchers
Best Team Photo
Shrewd Shrikes
Bird-Friendly Spaces Poster Contest
Kellen Birge, 2nd grade, Ecologist School Houston
Birdathon 2023
New this year, we've added a Recreational Team category for those that want to count birds without the competition. View the chart below to see which team is right for you!

competitive team
This is the traditional 24-hour Birdathon team that competes for most bird species, fundraising and prizes!
recreational team
Our newest team category gives you a whole month to count birds! You can bird solo or have as many fellow birders on your team as you like.
for the classroom
No fundraising required; this is an opportunity for your students to discover a new passion and learn more about environmental stewardship.