Houston - Upper Texas Coast Counts
December 14, 2025 - January 5, 2026
Use the map's zoom feature to view the CBC locations on the Upper Texas Coast.
Compilers, please send your details to webmaster@houstonaudubon.org
Houston Audubon staff participate in the Bolivar Peninsula, Buffalo Bayou, Galveston, Galveston West End, and Trinity River counts. All these counts include Houston Audubon sanctuaries in their count circles. Details on how to participate are in the count descriptions.
- Armand Bayou (TXAY)
- Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR (TXAP)
- Beech Creek (TXBE)
- Bolivar Peninsula (TXBP)
- Brazoria-Columbia Bottomlands (TXBR)
- Brazos Bend (TXBZ)
- Buffalo Bayou [West Houston] (TXBF)
- Central Houston (TXHC)
- Cypress Creek - Katy Prairie (TXCY)
- Fort Bend (TXFT)
- Freeport (TXFR)
- Galveston (TXGA)
- Galveston West End (TXWG)
- Houston [Baytown] (TXHO)
- Huntsville [Walker Co.] (TXHU)
- Johnson Bayou - SW Louisiana (LAJB)
- Lake Houston-Humble (TXHH)
- Matagorda County (TXMM)
- Old River (TXOR)
- Orange County (TXOC)
- San Jacinto Wilderness (TXSJ)
- San Bernard NWR (TXSB)
- Spring Creek (TXSC)
- Trinity River (TXTN)
- Turkey Creek (TXTC)
Armand Bayou (TXAY)
This event is an all day, dawn til dusk bird count, earlier for those looking to find owls. Our count circle, in my opinion, is one of the premiere CBC areas in the greater Houston and surrounding region which includes multiple habitat types from woodland and prairies to coastal shores, ponds, and marshes. Our circle spans from Pasadena to Dickinson and Laporte to Webster; and despite all the development, you can still find some amazing habitats within this area. We also need LOTS of feeder watchers, so if you don’t want to go out in the field, birding from your backyard, if you’re within our circle, is just as important. Every year, we typically gain a handful of species from backyard feeder watchers that our field volunteers don’t get, especially hummingbirds.
If you would like to sign up, please use the link below. All volunteers looking to participate must go through this process as it helps to better manage and organize the event. I will also have WhatsApp starting soon for communication the day of.Official and ONLY way to sign up is here: use our online form.
Questions or thoughts: armandbayoucbc@gmail.com with questions/thoughts.
Thank you again, Andrew Hamlett & Martha Hood, Co-Compilers for the Armand Bayou Christmas Bird Count -
Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR (TXAP)
This CBC provides a tremendous opportunity to bird the Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR as well as private property in Eagle Lake in Colorado County, Texas. The Attwater CBC is open to all birders and is one of the highest inland CBCs for diversity in the country. If you are interested in participating, please contact Sumita Prasad at sumita@utexas.edu.
Beech Creek (TXBE)
This count takes place in Tyler and Jasper Counties and includes Steinhagen Lake, the Beech Creek unit of Big Thicket National Preserve and Martin Dies State Park. Meet at the Corps of Engineers Picnic Area on FM92 immediately north of the intersection with FM1746 in Town Bluff at 6:30 AM. Sponsored by the Big Thicket National Preserve.
Bolivar Peninsula (TXBP)
This count circle in Chambers County includes High Island and Anahuac NWR. Newcomers are welcome to join! We can always use more counters at Anahuac NWR. If you would like to join us you can meet the crew at 7 am at the Visitor Contact Station aka, the nature store by the restrooms on the main unit of the CBC. We will have access to closed areas of the refuge that you normally can't see. You don't need to be an expert. We will make sure teams are set up with experienced birders. It is a great way to learn from other birders.
Please let me know if you're coming so we don't split up before you arrive. Fog, traffic, etc. can delay counters. You can email me or text me at the number below. You can just show up, but keep in mind we'll fan out pretty fast after 7 am. If you decide to come at the last minute, text me any time that morning after 3 am!
Compiler: David Sarkozi, david@sarkozi.net. 713-412-4409
Brazoria-Columbia Bottomlands (TXBR)
The Brazoria - Columbia CBC includes habitats for its namesake, the Brazoria- Columbia bottomland hardwoods. It includes several USFW tracts, private ranch properties, large reservoirs, small ponds, county parks, and neighborhoods. Sites include Bar-X Ranch, Columbia Lakes, Hudson Woods USFW tract, Eagle Nest Lake USFW tract, Brazoria Reservoir, Harris Reservoir, Nash Prairie, Brazos Woods Preserve, amongst others, all inside Brazoria County. Countdown dinner (free) will be held at Gulf Coast Bird Observatory in Lake Jackson, TX after count. Please contact the Compiler if you would like to participate in the count. Sponsored by the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory. This count is traditionally held on the last Saturday of the count. Compiler: Martin Hagne, mhagne@gcbo.org
Brazos Bend (TXBZ)
We hope you'll consider joining us for a day of good company, good food, and good birding! People of all skill levels are welcome! Whether you're a regular or someone interested in joining us for the first time this year, we have a team for everyone! From leisurely walks in Brazos Bend Park to rough and tumble "backcountry" roving in species-dense areas, we've got it all. Come for the birding, stay for the thrills of the coveted Big Bird Award at our infamous count dinner.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Space on the most popular teams goes fast, so please register soon at this link: Sign-up formI am happy to answer any questions you may have about what to expect, our count in general, or other topics of interest.
LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: We have opportunities for leadership positions this year, so if you're potentially interested in stepping in to fill a role or take on a new property, let me know!
-- Bruce Bodson, Compiler. bruce.bodson@lowerbrazosriverwatch.org (832-882-1657) -
Buffalo Bayou [West Houston] (TXBF)
First held in 1978, this count was established to document the birds on the west side of Houston, a part of the city containing a variety of habitats for an urban count that is subject to fairly rapid residential and commercial development. On the first count, 90 species were observed. Last year it produced 111 species of birds and over the last 10 years this count has averaged about 121 species with a high count of 136 species in 2019. It is possible to see up to 15 species of sparrows on this count, including the elusive Henslow’s and Grasshopper Sparrows. Other “Special Birds” seen over the last few years have been: Hooded Merganser, American Bittern, Solitary Sandpiper, American Woodcock, Common Ground-Dove, Black Phoebe, Couch’s Kingbird, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Spotted Towhee, Eastern Towhee, Purple Finch and Pine Siskin.
The count is centered at the Houston Audubon Society's Edith L. Moore Sanctuary. It extends from Memorial Park on the east to beyond Highway 6 on the west; from the Southwest Freeway at West Belt on the south to FM 529 near Jersey Village on the north. This area includes sizable chunks of excellent habitat: HANC, Memorial Park, Art Storey Park, Addicks & Barker Reservoirs, Bear Creek Park, Edith L. Moore Sanctuary and Buffalo Bayou.
This count is open to birders of all skill levels. The 15-mile diameter count circle has been divided into 8 areas: Addicks Reservoir/Bear Creek Park, Little Gems/North Area, Barker Reservoir North Area, Barker Reservoir South Area, Central Corridor Area, HANC/Memorial Park Area, Southwest Area and South/Southeast Area. Each area will be led by an experienced birder who is familiar with that area.
The count will run from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm when all participants will assemble virtually for the countdown dinner where you will get the opportunity to share your days’ birding stories with your fellow birders and hear what species each area was able to find as we find out what the totally tally for the count will be. A very nice way to wrap up a long day of birding.
There are two ways to help. Be a Field Observer - Join one of the teams in the field that survey various sites within the count circle. You can bird for all or part of the day. You can walk or drive or even bike! Be a Feeder/Yard Watcher - Because so much of the area is residential, Feeder Watchers (those who stay at home and observe their feeder, yard and/or neighborhood) are extremely important to the count and greatly increase the efficiency of the count by observing species that otherwise would not be seen, such as hummingbirds.
For more information and to join us, please contact the compiler Berri Moffett at berrimoffett@gmail.com.
Central Houston (TXHC)
We would love your help in one of our count areas around the city. With your team you visit all kinds of habitats and birding spots around Central Houston, counting every individual bird you see. It might sound hard at first but once you get started it’s quite addictive! At the end of the day we come together, often at a local restaurant, to tally the birds for the whole circle, share stories from the field, and see what unique species were found during the day. All levels of birders are welcome to join, and all you need to bring is a pair of binoculars, weather-appropriate clothes, and a lunch. The count goes on in ALL weather, so be prepared. If you are a new birder or new to the CBC, please let us know so we can pair you with a group that is more experienced. Please ask about feeder counts and accessible opportunities if those are better for you!
All skill levels are welcome. We will have experienced birders leading the groups. The compiler is Berri Moffett. Please email Berri at berrimoffett@gmail.com if you are interested in participating and your top two area choices (see map by clicking on the name of the CBC). Once you have been assigned to an area, the area leader will contact you with additional information on meeting location and time. We will be sending out follow-up emails as we get closer regarding countdown dinner location. This count is traditionally held on the first Monday of the CBC season.
Map of count circle - PDF -
Cypress Creek - Katy Prairie (TXCY)
The Cypress Creek CBC includes the Katy Prairie Preserve and surrounding properties, public parks, and urban areas. Your participation helps monitor the success of prairie conservation efforts as well as the effects of urbanization.
If you have participated before, please contact your area leader directly. If you are new to the count or would like to switch areas, please contact Megan Ahlgren at cypresscreekcbc@gmail.com. Otherwise, please be at John Paul Landing Environmental Education Center at 6 a.m. on Jan. 1, and we will assign you to an area then. If you live in the count circle and want to participate as a feeder watcher (we are especially looking for participants with hummingbird feeders), please let Megan know. All skill levels welcome. This count is traditionally held on New Year's Day.
Fort Bend (TXFT)
The Fort Bend CBC circle includes 8 of the top 13 birding hotspots in Fort Bend County – including Cullinan Park, Seabourne Creek Park and Riverpark Nature Trails. The predefined count circle is divided into sectors in Sugar Land, Richmond and Rosenberg and covers a wide range of habitats including hardwood forests, lakes, creeks, wetlands, Brazos River bottomland and coastal prairie that should yield a wide variety of species. Birders of all levels are invited to sign up for the Fort Bend CBC and join the Count organizers for a fun day of birding, friendly competition and a countdown dinner where the count tally and Best Birds of the Count will be revealed. To participate or for more information, please e-mail the count compiler: Bayard Nicklow fortbendcbc@gmail.com
Freeport (TXFR)
The count is consistently one of the top ten in the state and finds the largest number of species of any on the Upper Texas Coast. Habitat includes seashore, barrier islands, prairie & woodland. The circle is divided into ten areas, each with its own leader & unique habitats. For information & assignments, contact compiler Mike Austin (mj_eh@comcast.net). The count is traditionally held on the first Sunday of the count period.
Count Circle Map -
Galveston (TXGA)
Although this count has very limited land area and a particularly small amount of wooded areas, it still typically is a top 20 or near top twenty U.S. CBCs. This count undoubtedly produces the most species for the available land area (much of the count circle is water) of all U.S. CBCs. The compilers are Lalise and Greg Mason, lalise@supldes.com or call Greg at 713-725-4562. This count is traditionally held on the first Tuesday of the count period.
The Houston Audubon coastal team will participate in this count which includes the Bolivar Peninsula sanctuaries. Those interested in counting with us are encouraged to contact the respective count compilers, and/or Wyatt Egelhoff (wegelhoff@houstonaudubon.org). Observers of all skill levels are welcome. This count is an excellent opportunity to study winter shorebirds as it includes Bolivar Flats.
Galveston West End (TXWG)
The West End of Galveston Island contains some wonderful birding habitat, including Houston Audubon's Dos Vacas Muertas Sanctuary. The compiler and primary contact is Kyle O'Haver, kyle.ohaver@tpwd.texas.gov. The co-contact is Cynthia Hughes, cynhuz@att.net.
Houston [Baytown] (TXHO)
This count includes the area around Baytown. Area leaders, please email your availability so we can plan accordingly. David Sarkozi is the compiler. Those wishing to participate should contact David (david@sarkozi.net or 713-412-4409).
CBC Map by David Sarkozi -
Huntsville [Walker Co.] (TXHU)
The Dr. Jimmy Long Memorial Christmas Bird Count is a great time to introduce children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors, family members, and friends to the wonderful world of birds. Sponsored by Huntsville Audubon. Carol Reed is the coordinator. Anyone interested in participating can contact Carol at carol_reed@sbcglobal.net or check our website/Facebook page.
Johnson Bayou - SW Louisiana (LAJB)
Johnson Bayou CBC has a rich history beginning in 1976 to present. Though the count is located just across the state line in Louisiana, most participants are from Texas and everyone is welcome. While much of the area is private, local landowners have allowed access to their property for this count, areas rarely birded and normally inaccessible to birders at other times offering a good chance for rarities. Areas covered include beach, coastal cheniers, marsh and grasslands. Johnson Bayou, Louisiana, is located 15 miles east of the bridge from Pleasure Island to Louisiana on Hwy. LA 82.
Please contact Gary Kelley (garymke@sbcglobal.net, telephone 409-679-1616) for more information, assignments and directions. -
Lake Houston-Humble (TXHH)
Birders of all skill levels are invited to join park naturalists and volunteers for a closer look at wildlife on a leisurely stroll at multiple Harris County parks throughout the day. Join us at any or all of the following locations at the listed starting time; a Harris County Precinct 3 staff member will lead a bird hike at each of these locations. Wear closed-toed shoes and bring a reusable water bottle and binoculars. Ages 10+. This count is for the Lake Houston-Humble Circle. Registration required by signing up at this link or by contacting Alicia.Mein@pct3.hctx.net.
5:30 – 7:30 AM: Meet at the Nature Center at Jesse H. Jones Park at 20634 Kenswick Drive for an owl prowl.
8 - 10 AM: Meet at the Nature Center at Jesse H. Jones Park at 20634 Kenswick Drive for general birding.
8:30 - 12 PM: Meet at the Senior Center at Alexander Deussen Park on 123030 Sonnier Street.
12 – 4 PM: Meet at the front entry gate to Sheldon Lake State Park on 14140 Garrett Road. After birding along the park trails, the group will continue on to the fishing piers on Sheldon Lake.
4:30 – 5:30 PM: Meet at the front entry gate to Edgewater Park on 202 Hamblen Road next to the railroad tracks. This park is normally closed to the public, but special access is granted for the CBC.
Contact: Alicia Mein-Johnson, alicia.mein@pct3.hctx.net or 281-446-8588. -
Matagorda County (TXMM)
Most of the count is on private land and participation in the CBC is the only way to gain access to some very productive wildlife lands. The diversity of the CBC is great and most sections have multiple exclusives. The CBC features extensive native grasslands, brushlands, floodplain forests, beaches and coastal marshes. We need skilled birders to scan for pelagics over the Gulf from land, skilled shorebirders to ride on boats to survey expansive mudflats and marshes of the delta of the Colorado River, and birders to survey narrow forest areas along the river for lingering neotrops. The count is always held on the first Monday of the CBC season. Contact compiler Brent Ortego, brentortego@hotmail.com or 361-827-4691 cell, for count assignments. Resources: Count circle map (static image), Interactive map (Google Earth required).
Old River (TXOR)
The count circle centers on Lake Charlotte in Chambers County and includes almost all of the Wallisville Lake Project, south to include northern portions of Trinity Bay, north into the southern parts of Liberty Co., east to include Hankamer and portions of Anahuac and west to include portions of Mont Belvieu, all less than one hour drive east of Houston. There are many habitats including Trinity Bay, Trinity River, lakes, bayous, pine forests, hardwood forest and grassy prairie. Much of the count area requires walking in wet conditions, so bring waterproof footwear. Scopes are recommended in many locations. Join our Facebook group for the most up-to-date information and a map of the count circle. Search for Old River Christmas Bird Count (TXOR)
How to Join the Count:
1. Contact Paul Fagala at covebirder@yahoo.com. He will get you in touch with an area leader who needs help in his/her area, and the area leader will contact you to let you know when and where to meet.
2. If you live inside the count circle, stay at home and watch your feeders. E-mail your results to the count compiler.Old River CBC Compilers: Paul Fagala - covebirder@yahoo.com and David Hanson – dhanson139@aol.com
Orange County (TXOC)
Habitat covers marsh, woodlands, and the Cow Bayou watershed. The compiler this year is Lynn Jackson. Please contact her at vlbjax@yahoo.com if you'd like to participate. This count is traditionally held on January 1.
San Jacinto Wilderness (TXSJ)
Juxtaposed across three counties, this unique inland circle is situated where Big Thicket meets Coastal Prairie. A broad and complex ecotone, it's laced through and through with wild rivers and bottomlands, as well as extensive farms and ranches. On this count, kayakers course down the most scenic rivers in the region, while other bands of birders canvass a huge wilderness park, and large private ranches offer a birding and hiking adventure that can be the equal of anywhere in the entire Upper Texas Coast. Welcome to the San Jacinto Wilderness.
Plan for a full day of birding, beginning at 7am and ending with a countdown dinner around 6pm.
Rendezvous points: please contact David Henderson, using the contact information below.
Park and Ranch birding groups: contact David Henderson at embrenhar1@gmail.com (compiler - cell: 281-827-3729)
Paddlers: contact Bruce Bodson at bruce.bodson@lowerbrazosriverwatch.org (cell: (832) 882-1657) -
San Bernard NWR (TXSB)
Come join us for the 2025 San Bernard NWR CBC. This unique count provides opportunities to bird areas of the refuge not normally open to the public. Also open for counters is the state's Nannie Stringfellow Wildlife Management Area. This count also claims some of the best hospitality around with the refuge staff participating in the count. This year marks the first anniversary of the post-COVID return of the famous countdown dinner of seafood gumbo! Marty Cornell and his band of chefs will once again be prepping that meal on site. Although this count still provides the small count atmosphere, it has plenty of big count diversity with 180 or more species most years. You can join us by contacting either of the co-compilers below or by showing up at the refuge headquarters on CR306 at 0630 hours on the morning of Friday, December 20th. Contact the co-compilers Ron Weeks (ronweeks@sbcglobal.net or phone 979-285-8824) and Jennifer Wilson (jennifer_wilson@fws.gov or phone daytime 979-964-4011) to sign up.
Spring Creek (TXSC)
This count, sponsored by the Heartwood Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists organization, covers a 15-mile diameter circle that is roughly centered in The Woodlands at I-45 and Rayford-Sawdust road. This includes most all of The Woodlands, all of the ExxonMobil campus in SpringWoods, much of Spring, part of Hooks airport, part of Klein, all of Mercer & Pundt parks, part of W. G. Jones State Forest, all of Spring Creek Greenway and a narrow strip of land east of San Jacinto River. Feeder watchers are also encouraged to participate if they live inside the count circle. Contact compiler Claire Moore at cdmoore3i@gmail.com for a map of the circle, more information, or to sign up. We need your help!!
Trinity River (TXTN)
Areas to be counted include the Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge, Tarkington Prairie, and Gaylor Lake. Houston Audubon's Damuth Sanctuary is also in the count circle. Our meeting location is the Shell Fuel Stop station located at the intersection of Hwy 105 and FM 2518 at 7:00 AM. Some folks will bird the "bottoms" so be sure to bring a sack lunch, rubber knee boots, and other appropriate outdoor clothing. Birdwatchers of all levels are welcome. If you have any questions you can contact Stuart Marcus at stuart.marcus13@gmail.com.
Turkey Creek (TXTC)
This count in Hardin and Tyler Counties includes the Turkey Creek and Hickory Creek Savannah Units of the Big Thicket National Preserve. Meet at the Big Thicket Visitor Center on US69 at FM420, about 7 miles north of Kountze at 6:30 AM. Sponsored by the Big Thicket National Preserve.