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Wood Ducks at Resoft Park

Wood Ducks at Resoft Park by Debbie Repasz

Bird Surveys

Resoft Park

Wood Ducks at Resoft Park by Debbie Repasz.

Resoft Park Urban Bird Survey

Next Survey: Monday, April 7, 2025

Survey Leader: Debbie Repasz

The surveys are held monthly on the first Monday. We meet at 8 AM in Resoft Park at Nolan Ryan Pavilion (first pavilion on right in front of rookery islands)

Directions: From Hwy 35, turn onto 281/Cornett Rd.; proceed to yellow gate on left side of road less than 1/4 miles from Hwy 35; follow park road to the right to first pavilion by the water.

Address: 20020 TX-35, Alvin, TX 77511

Meeting Time: 8:00 AM

Resoft Park Rookery
Resoft Park Rookery by Debbie Repasz