Eastern Glades Urban Bird Survey
Next Survey: April 7, 2025
Survey Leader: Skip Almoney
Please meet at 7:30 AM in the north end of the Glades parking lot near the restroom pavilion off East Memorial Loop Drive. Parking costs $2. Our walk usually takes 1-1/2 hours, but you can leave whenever you want. This location just keeps getting better and better for birding. Beginners are welcome! Please let us know if you need to borrow some binoculars.
About the Survey
We are conducting a monthly survey at the Eastern Glades portion of Memorial Park. The survey is held on the first Monday of the month from September through May. The Eastern Glades of Memorial Park is on East Memorial Loop Drive, just north of Memorial Drive. Meet in the north end of the Glades parking lot near the restroom pavilion. Please see the map below for the parking location. Everyone is welcome -- beginners, experts, or even if you're just curious. Please bring binoculars or let us know if you need to borrow a pair.
If you have any questions or need a pair of binoculars for the survey.
About the Eastern Glades
The Eastern Glades is the first major Master Plan project to be implemented in Memorial Park. The Glades project reclaimed 100 acres of previously inaccessible parkland, creating an exciting new birding hotspot with 3 different habitats – lake, forested wetlands, and savanna. This survey will help assess the bird diversity within Eastern Glades and establish a baseline of avian species. During our first survey following the public opening, we found 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers and a nesting pair of Least Grebes, among 13 other species. For more information about the Eastern Glades, please see: Master Plan on the Memorial Park Conservancy website.
Note: The red marker on the map indicates the parking location.